Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Is it that I like music played on commercials or is it that the music I like is commerciable.

Fluke - Atom Bomb (Car Commercial)
Wraith Pinned to the Mist and other Games - Of Montreal (Outback Steakhouse)
Yael Naim - New Soul (New Mac Air Book)
Antje Duvekot - Merry Go Round (Bank of America)
Hem - Let Go (State Farm Commercial)
Feist - 1,2,3,4 (iPod Commercial)
Smiths - How Soon is Now (Charmed Theme)
M.I.A. - Gallang (Honda Civic)
The Weepies - All That I Want (JC Penneys)
The Weepies - Stars (Old Navy)
Brazillian Girls - Lazy Lover (Some body wash commercial)
Psapp - Hi (Disorono)
Sneaker Pimps - Spin Spin Sugar (Can't remember where, but I've heard it!)

Funny thing is - I knew all of these songs before they were in commercials. Am I ahead of the curve? hmmm

So if Brianna Lane, Chris Pureka, Catie Curtis, Doria Roberts, Melissa Ferrick, Katie Sawicki, The Waifs, Be Good Tanyas, Edie Carey, Ellis, Girlyman, Pamela Means, or the like end up on a commercial - It'll be fantastic for them!!! Because you all know you just looked at those songs up there and said "oh yea, I remember that song!" (at least to a couple of them) If you don't, go look them up and you will remember them soon enough.

And while I'm on music - Wycleaf Jean took lyrics from WuTang's C.R.E.A.M. for his song "Sweetest Girls", and I'm ok with that but...I was over J&B's and no one knew the original song. I pulled out the iPod and put on WuTang's song (because of course, I must have WuTang at my finger tips?!?) and no one knew it! I'm not totally surprised about that but it made me realize that I'm old. 1993, when the song came out, was a LONG time ago to these kids, and to me it was just like yesterday.

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Take me back to the Black Hills

So Doris Day just came on the iPod and serenaded my eardrum with "Take me back to the Black Hills, the Black Hills of Dakota". Two years ago the g/f & 2 other friends of ours went to the Black Hills...and it got me to thinking about how much I would love to go back! We first went to the Badlands - it was absolutely a sight that can not be described. It was an ocean bed at one time and it's the remains of that. It's breathtaking. Then we drove on into the Black Hills. South Dakota is pretty flat and then all of a sudden it's MOUNTAINS. We took our first trip up to see Mt Rushmore the day after we got there. We curved up the windy mountain road, not unlike Route 2 in Massachusetts and all of a sudden we rounded a bend and there was Abe Lincolns face! I was awe struck and speechless. All my life I had heard of the great Mt. Rushmore carved into a mountain and there it was - right infront of my face. A few more successions of curves and the entire monument came into frame. It was a grand sight and I felt like I was looking at the cover of every history book I had ever had before. We did all the tourist-y things like learn how the rocks were carved and who designed it and how long it took and did the nature walk and saw the night time lighting of the faces. Then we returned to our campsite to sleep - and return the next day for other area attractions.
As much as we did that week at Mt. Rushmore, nothing will beat the first moment I saw the rocks. I still get emotional. I'm such a freak. While I have been on many other excellent vacations before, that was the first one I've been to that had historical significance to me, gave me a sense of national being. I suggest going if you ever get the chance...your kids won't appreciate it, but you might!

Thus I must and thus I won't.

I'm not much of a blogger, although I think about it all the time in my head. Thus comes the I must. I have too many thoughts running through my brain to keep in there lest I forget. So I must. I also have some overwhelming urge to join the gagillions of other bloggers in getting my own words out into the ether. So here they are.
This leads me to the Thus I Won't. I won't talk specifically about my job or co-workers. Not really wanting to get canned for less than pleasant words I'd like to use some days. I probably won't talk about any of my friends by name. They didn't sign up for this, I did. Doesn't mean I won't talk about them though! aaahhh hahahah. Probably won't talk much about the g/f either. She's not much of an online person anymore and probably doesn't want her airs aired in the internet air.
And thusly, I will mostly likely type about reality tv...some things entertainment, new music, my dog and her neurotic tendencies, being green, trips, my family, my friends and camping, and possibly politics and the what nots of life.
And while it's called "The Busy World Of..." sometimes I'm not all that busy. I suppose we will see if I update this or not. Poke me if I don't.

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Ode to my puppy

This is for my pup's first birthday

I love my dog. I don't think I've mentioned on here yet that I do...I say it daily.
I love *just* about everything about my dog.
I love that she goes bananas when a simple bird is in the front yard - running from the chair to the door to ring her bell and back to the chair in RECORD speed only made by Murphy.
I love that after the dogpark that she gets so tuckered out that she is submissive for a bath but as soon as the bath is over she is full of the devil again.
I love that when we go to the dog park that she whines from the point she KNOWS where we are going to when we get there. Oh she knows.
I love that when I say it's time to go for a ride to pick up mommy from work that she jumps up in the truck, sits on the center arm rest and waits for me to get ready - looking straight out the entire time.
I love that when I'm driving she nudges to get under my arm so I have to cuddle her while I drive. She doesn't succeed often though
I love that at night time she will crawl under the blankets and fall asleep but gets super hot and pokes her head out and collapses at the bottom of the bed where it's chilly
I love that she is a peanut butter WHORE
I love that when we go to the dog park she takes on the big dogs. I mean she takes them on and can out run them (with Murphy short cuts, of course)
I love that when we go to the dog park she heads STRAIGHT for the mud puddle and you can hear a chorus of 10 people groaning as the beautiful white puppy is white no more!
I love that when we are done with the dog park and when we get back in the truck (on a towel of course) that she gives me a kiss on the cheek as if to say thanks mom!
I love that she runs to fetch a ball but never brings it back
I love that everyone at the dog park knows Murphy by name and her birthday is coming up and they want us to have her party there.
I love that she wiggles her butt when I pull out her sweater or jackets...she knows it's walk time or park time
I love that she runs down stairs and sits on the electric blanket looking at me or the g/f to turn it on for her
I love that I can come home from work and find my two girls cuddled in bed and I can join in the napping
I love that she can sit, lay, roll over, sit pretty, dance, up, couch, stand, wait, watch, stay
I love that cocks her head to one side and then the other
I love that the g/f and I say funny stuff as if we were Murphy saying it "What is it, Timmy in a well girl???"
I love that I come home from work and the g/f says "MOMMY'S HOME" and she goes crazy jumping all over me
I love that we have taught the nieces and nephew to hold her treats just right so she will follow commands for them (sit, stay, no bites)
I love that when I say "NO BITES" that she whines and tries to bite me without biting me
I love that she wakes me up by biting my hair
I love that she loves frozen green beans as a treat
I love that she smells so good when she comes home from her doggy retreat and spa!
I love that she is so good with kids
I love that she rings a bell to go potty outside
I love that when she is on a walk she soldier belly crawls in excitement
I love that she was born on April 19th (19th is a "special" number for me & the g/f)
I love that when I say "BED TIME" she runs as fast as her paws can go through the house and up the bed stairs and sits to wait for me to follow
I love that when I am down stairs I can hear her being naughty just by the way she walks through the house.
I love that she loves our neighbor kids so much she almost knocks them over when they come to play
I love that when she knows she is going to the dog park she jumps up at the window with the ball in her mouth
I love that after company stays overnight she runs around the house looking for everyone after they are gone
I love that when she gets super tired she crashes hard - so hard that she will flop against my ear and just stay there for the night if I let her
I love that when we go for a ride with the windows down she puts her head out the window and pulls it back in her muzzle is all crazy
I love that when she wakes up from a hard sleep she gets "bed muzzle" (like bed head LOL)
I hate that she jumps up on people with her muddy paws at the dog park - except for the ones that dress up - are they dumb or something? Who wears Ralph Lauren to a dog park?
I hate that we can't find any toys for her that she doesn't destroy in just a day and she eats it
I hate that I can come into the room after being away for 3 minutes and find something destroyed
I hate that she can't "come" - apparently there is too much fun stuff out there mom
I hate that she has chewed through about 4 leashes now and we are finally reserved to having to put the leash in a crystal vase when we come inside so she can't get it
I hate that she has chewed through 6 pairs of my shoe laces, 1 pair of my shoes, 10 of the g/f's shoe laces and 2 of her pairs of shoes
I hate that all my pants have frayed bottoms because Murphy has chewed through and pulled/ripped the rest
I hate that I have almost no socks left because she has tugged them all off my feet and they now all have holes in the toes or heels
I hate that I had to get a taller laundry basket because she could get in and get our dirty clothes and parade them around the house with company over
I hate that I say the word "Naughty" more than "GOOD GIRL"
I hate that she barks at the garbage truck or the plows or the street sweeper, but I love that she ONLY barks at those and NOT busses or trucks.
I hate that when she gets super tired she barks like a's our cue that it's her bed time
I hate that everything I hate, I love about her!