Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Lather. Rinse. Repeat. Soap in eyes may cause watering.

I think I'm having a bit of a problem with people that are "sue happy"
Not that this case that I'm talking about has anything to do with "Sueing" anyone, but it has to do with an injunction to against a Rochester city council member who might have voted with his own best interest in mind.
There is a guy saying that one of the council members is voting to allow a certain construction company a contract because his lumber company might benefit. Ok, I can understand that, the two companies have done business in the past. The claim, however, is silliness. Last year the two companies had only $6,000 worth of business. That is so minimal, it's laughable! $6,000 for a construction company is an "Oops! My regular lumbar supplier ran out of 2x4's and I need some really quick!!!!" and it was a one shot deal. Seriously.
Did you hear about the woman whose daughter got kissed on a school playground and she sued the school board? Yep.

I can't imagine what our kids are going to grow up and do.

Don't people realize that the more they SUE the more they end up paying at the store/company? SOMEONE has to pay for their windfall.

I hope more judges start throwing out bogus cases.

I want to know how OJ Simpson can be found not guilty of murder by a court and then turn around and have a civil suit brought upon him for - what, I can't remember, but basically the same thing, like wrongful death - and be found guilty. I'm perplexed.

People, what happened to personal responsibility? There used to be a time when I was walking down the street, tripped because I wasn't watching where I was going and got up and walked away. Now someone would sue the city for that tree root or the raised concrete that made them fall. And on top of that, they sue for about $750,000. FOR FALLING? I could see if you broke your leg and didn't have insurance, or if you had insurance and your premium went up or it was more out of pocket but seriously. Or you were a professional runner and couldn't ever work again. But seriously.

I read the back of my shampoo bottle in the shower one day - and I can't quite remember which shampoo it was but it said "Idiot warnings" and I giggled!
How much warning is too much warning? Do we need a "Contents are hot" on a coffee cup? Shouldn't that be EXPECTED?

Do you know all those papers you sign when you buy a house? It's because someone got away with something BIG and they can't have that again.

I think that is all I have to say right now.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Vending Machine!

May 24, 2007

End of the day.

Getting kinda hungry.

Trot down to the vending machines.

Oh My God! Twizzlers, perfect!

I put my money in the machine....I watched as the wheels turned...and then I watched as the wheel stopped turning, still clutching my strawberry goodness in it's hold.

NO! I have no more change. I have nothing. I sobbed.

I filled out the refund request - lots of good that will do me now, I'm hungry and have just this carbon copy to keep me satiated.


Lets move forward 378 days.

I got my refund! Guess what I'm going to go have for a snack this afternoon?!?!?!?!?


I put in a request on 12/27 too - I was so hungry for lunch that I wanted a Egg & Cheese & Bacon bagel for a buck 50...I put in my money and it wouldn't open the little slidey door.
I finally got that money refund back today too. I'm loaded!

Watch out vending machine!

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Jobs, Bottle Caps, and Trips

So I've officially changed jobs. My "old" job was sunsetting since the company decided they didn't want to use it anymore. The day my job was to go part time I was able to pick up a different job on site doing something drastically different. I am now in an office with 5 or 6 other people (not jumping for joy on that one) but I have my own little corner and no one bugs me or can see what I'm doing at all.
I have new pictures of the kids up...well of MOST of the kids. Erika didn't send me any new ones yet. Theirs are still from Christmas. That's what you get for slacking.
I even have one of the dog. I love my puppy.

I had an odd dream last night that there was a group of people that had the ability to control the minds of people to make them think they were someone else (the mind controllers were someone else, that was) as well as makes the person being controlled not know where he/she lived or what they were doing or anything of the sort...People observing the mind controlling could tell because the controllers had to have a soda bottle cap (not the new ones, the old ones) attached to someplace on their body. They were trying to get the human race to off themselves. They were succeeding. My friends and I took off in a raft. It was kinda hilarious. We don't raft.

The g/f and I just decided that we *might* be going to Duluth this summer, the weekend before we go to Massachusetts. I love Duluth.

Sitting in this office is dangerous. I get some free food stuffs - mints and ice cream treats.

Fudge bars mmm

I think I need to eat an orange!