Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Must Document before I forge.....

I'm slowly forgetting my dream so I must write it down before I totally forget.

I had a dream (obviously) that Amy got a job and it was on the moon. So we went, and some how our entire HOUSE was transported up there with us, we didn't need any special apparatus or anything, just had to be there. It was dark, very dark. I took Murphy outside to potty and she couldn't go into the street because it wasn't really a street.
Then I got a panicked feeling that during our tenure on the moon we would run out of light bulbs and it was a most horrible feeling. So we went on a ride (in the Daewoo we haven't had in years) and found a mall like structure so we went to it, but it was office buildings, well I refused to let that be the end so I kept walking around it until I found an Emporium. (an emporium of all things) and it had light bulbs, so I decided that it was time for us to eat since we found out at least WHERE we could buy light bulbs. So we sit down in this cafeteria like place with long tables and sat across / amiss a family also working the same job was and we talked for a few minutes about life on the moon and the guy told me there was INTERNT on the moon. I was so excited that i could email my family.
Time moves slower on the mooon than Earth so when my alarm was going off ths morning i kept say, no it's not 20 more minutes, it's really like 45 minutes. I woke up late. b

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