Friday, September 12, 2008

Marcus Buckingham

Yesterday I had the astounding opportunity to photograph an event held by Ideation Consulting and TCHRA that had Marcus Buckingham as their keynote speaker. They also had Sara Christensen from Ideation Consulting present about her People-Centric work environment philosophy, and Jody & Cali from CultureRX present their "Work Sucks: and how to fix it" philosophy.
I was totally inspired. If none of you know how Marcus Buckingham is, I suggest you follow the link and read up. He has appeared on Oprah and is a world renowned motivational speaker. He has a strength-based work idea where we don't work on our weaknesses to make us better but work on our strengths to make them better and in turn - make us a better and more productive employee. He wasn't talking to people like me, the employees, but to our managers and HR professionals to focus on our strengths but inspired me also to FIND my strengths and gear my work and my manager to see that just because I don't do a certain task well doesn't mean I am a bad employee, I just don't do something well and ya know what - that's ok, because someone else out there has that as their strength.
A lot of what he said can be related into child rearing. For instance - a lunch mate told this story - a woman was having issues with her daughters report card. She consistently was failing/scraping by in Math while she excelled at English. The mother, after hearing Marcus speak, decided that this is what she was going to do: she got her daughter a tutor for math - just so she would pass and she let her daughter THRIVE in english, her strong point. The school was astounded that the mother didn't care her daughter was just recieving a "D" and she was ok. The mother said "why not? She isn't good at math, that's ok. I don't care as long as she graduates". It spoke to me - Let your kids do what they are good at and figure out why they are failing in the other subjects but if they just aren't interested, don't push it. We don't all need to excel at all things!
Anyway - if you don't know Marcus Buckingham, look him up - his book is "The Truth About You" (well one of them, but this one is his most recent), it's not in stores yet but shortly!!!

1 comment:

Paul said...

I'm definitely going to take a look at this book - I've always thought we had this whole strength/weakness thing backwards too! He's not bad looking either... :)