Thursday, July 15, 2004

Another World - An Addiction

A totally uneventful night last night. Paint. That's about it.

I'm back to watching Another World on soapnet at 11pm. I sooo miss that show. Why on earth did they take it off the air? It was about the most "sane" soap opera around. Except for the whole Amanda going into the enchanted garden stuff, but that is NOTHING compared to some of the plots Days has come up with. That show is so silly! But yet I watch it. Every night at 6pm on soapnet. Well at least I try to watch it. If I don't, I go to Dustin Days to find out either what I missed or what is coming...since he has spoilers!

I'm somewhere in 1988 on Another World. I went and found some webpage that reminded me the end of the soap. I had totally forgotten about some of these people. Like Josie Watts. I kept saying to the g/f "she's not in the show at the end". Sure enough she is, Josie Sinclair. How could I have just messed her up with the last name? I'm smokin it.

Planning our housewarming party for 8/15. Can't wait!

Must get to work now...I slacked too much yesterday as it is!

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